Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Catching up: The Best

In this post i'm supossed to write about who i think it's the best designer or architect. The fact is that being a designer myself, i don't have a favourite one, so i'll write about one of my favourite artist: H.R. Giger.
Hans Ruedi Giger is a graphic artist and a sculptor born in 1940 in Chur, Switzerland. He is well known for his design work in the movie "Alien", and his particular graphic style. His style it's a mix of surreal imaginary, nightmarish landscapes, fetichism and creatures known as biomechanoids (some kind of mix between humans and machines), resulting in a dark work that he has shaped in the form of tables, chairs, mirrors, sculptures, album covers, paintings and books. In his work you can see the influence of artists like Salvador Dalí, Jean Cocteau and Erns Fuchs. He has his own museum in the city of Gruyères and has opened thematic bars around the world (New York, Tokio, Switzerland). His work can be seen in movies like Alien the eight passenger, Species, Alien 3 y Poltergeist 2.
I think he is just great because he started his paintings as an art therapy for a sleep disorder he has, called night terrors, characterized by extreme terror (screams, moaning) and a temporary inability to regain full consciousness (usually people with this disorder can't even recall they have this episodes). He has turned his problem into a marvelous and original form of art, turning himself into an icon of modern surrealism.
Right now i have some posters of his art, because buy an original is just impossible (the prices are too high!) and i'm saving to buy a book about his work and his life.

Catching up: Good Technology

My favourite piece of technology? I got to say, my mp3 player and my headphones, definitely. They are the most appraised devices i own. Although they are not really expensive, with the best sound and lots of memory like an ipod, they are a piece of vital importance in my daily routine. I use them every single day when i go out, walking in the streets, traveling in the subway, on the bus, flying on an airplane, everywhere. I like to listen music a lot, to listen while watching the place i'm passing by, while thinking about the university, domestic things, life or anything, enjoying being isolated from other noises. I can go everywhere with a couple of albums and usually it takes me like a week to listen all songs.
Sometimes when i'm out in the street and the mp3 player runs out of battery, it's chaos, i hate when that happens because it's like the magic world i'm immersed suddenly disappears and i'm back in the noisy and grey city, and my journey becomes bored. Given the situation, i try not to forget to charge it everyday when i get home.
It has happened, anyway, that music distract me so much sometimes i almost die because of not listening to the cars when im crossing the street jajajajaja.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Spending money on some rags

Buying clothes was my topic for this week's activity, in wich we have to write at first fifteen questions about the topic that was given to each one of us. After struggling for a few minutes without completing the fifteen required, the task was reduced to ten (uf!! jaja) Then we were suposed to interview three of our classmates with the famous ten questions. Those are posted here:

1) What was the last piece of cloth you bought?
2) What kind of clothes you like to wear?
3) What is your favourite clothing to buy?
4) How often do you buy clothes for yourself?
5) Do you have any favourite store where you buy clothes?
6) Do you like people to bou clothes for you on your birthdays?
7) What's the best clothing you have ever bought?
8) What was the most expensive clothes you have bought?
9) Do you prefer to buy clothes on retail stores or boutiques?
10)Who do you like to buy clothes with?

Well, the three classmates i interview were Nicolas, Aileen and Nancy, of whom i wrote their answers so i can wrote a little bit about their lives and how they relates themselves with the art of getting dressed. The three of them appeared to be cool people with their clothes, using nothing really fancy and shiny, where t-shirts, jeans and trainers were the common answer to many of the questions. As usual anyway, i can conclude Nicolas, as many man, spend less money than the girls on clothes, declaring himself to look for the cheap clothes rather than the expensive and exclusive ones.
With regards to the last question, about who they like to go out with them to buy clothes (the three of them didn't understand it well so probably i wrote it wrong) their answers varied from going alone to going with a brother, mom or an exboyfriend.